
Showing posts from April, 2022

Tonto Natural Bridge State Park

Stand on top of the scaffold at any of the four perception focuses and investigate the travertine rocks in the 400-foot burrow going through the extension's middle.  The recreation area additionally offers four climbing trails, which drop into the Pine Canyon and catch the gloriousness of this geologic marvel. On the off chance that your Arizona excursion calls for only a shortstop, make certain to snap some photographs from any of the parking area perspectives, or visit the Gowan family's reestablished hold up on the enormous verdant knoll over the scaffold.  Giving a look into a previous time, the cabin contains Gowan family treasures, decorations, and a gift shop. With a lot of tables and barbecues, the recreation area is additionally the ideal spot for a cookout during your excursion. Read More Things to do in Payson

Rim Country Museum & Zane Grey Cabin

The Rim Country Museum and Zane Gray Cabin are situated in Green Valley Park in Payson Arizona, underneath the wonderful Mogollon Rim. The Zane Gray Cabin is a copy of the lodge that Zane Gray underlying 1921 close to the highest point of the Rim. The first lodge was obliterated in the 1990 Dude Fire. The Rim Country Museum is a 2-story exhibition hall that covers the historical backdrop of the region from the Ancient Peoples, Apaches, rodeo, farming, mining, and considerably more. We offer docent drove and independent voyages through the Rim Country Museum and docent drove voyages through the Zane Gray Cabin. We additionally have an external visit that you can take all alone during open hours, with a pamphlet and guide making sense of the different displays which incorporate the first Tonto Forest Ranger Station, unique 1800s log lodge, and a carport lodging Payson's first fire engine "Old No. 1". Read More Best Places to visit Payson

Green Valley Park

Green Valley Park is a 43-section of the land park, authored as the "Gem of Payson". Situated toward the finish of Historic Main Street, this park comprises of 3 lakes, a jungle gym, outing ramadas, an amphitheater, immense open space, and fills in as the area of the Rim Country Historical Museum and Zane Gray Cabin.  Green Valley Park offers numerous sporting pursuits, including fishing, strolls, lovely nightfalls, kayaking, and shows in the recreation area.  Green Valley Park Lakes take an interest in Arizona's Urban Fishing Program, which is a drive to give fishing valuable open doors and schooling to networks. Park hours: 6:00am-10:30pm For More details click here